fredag, augusti 04, 2006


Everybody has to work out to feel (and look) good (well, not some people but lets ignore those lucky bastards).

Spinning is something you either love or hate. Most people I mention it to will immediatly recall some near death experience during a spinning class which ended when they stumbled out to throw up. When I then say that I love spinning and it's my favourite work out they look at me like I'm insane (I'm not, running around after a football for 90 minutes or walking after a little white golfball for four hours is inanity).

To me a work out should be fast, intense and hard core and leave you breathless with aching muscles (just realised that sounds alot like sex). Spinning does that, it's heads down, legs working hard and loud music pushing you forwards. No messing around with coreagraphy, arms waving this way or that, jazz hands or, worst of all, when the trainer thinks he/she is Britney and insists on a boob shake. Spare my dignity...

So, spinning it is and I happen to love spinning and now I have to put together my own class and push people to that painful edge of near vomit (hehe). As most spinning music includes a lot of Scooter (that alone a reason to vomit...) and 50 cents beats (if I have to hear Candy Shop one more time...) I'm going create a very hip-hop and techno free class. I'm trying to figure out what kind of more rocky songs will fit in to a good spinning class, maybe even some really old 80's classics and definatley some 70's disco to vary it a bit. The rest will be what is so nicely, in iTunes, labelled as "alternative". Lilly Allen's Smile will be fitted in somewhere I think, I've really fallen in love with that tune recently.

But I'm rambling on, the final list will be posted once it's all done. But if anyone has any really good music ideas, good tunes with a clear beat, please let me know, help wanted!



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