måndag, augusti 28, 2006


Two very good bloggers that I read regular have recently developed a love of growing moustaches and shared their love on their blogs. A near friend of mine has also taken to breeding his own little upper lip creation and is very proud of the result. A second friend's boyfriend has grown one this summer and she is praising the, in her eyes, good looks of her boyfriend and in general moustaches seem to be a trend this year.

But I'm sorry, it's just not do-able. They are icky! They are scratchy and I've yet to meet a guy who can pull it off without looking like either a Belgian molester or a left over from a bad 70's film. The one who can pull it off is Sean Connery and even then, with the white beard, he looks like Father Christmas in some shots. What does that tell you?

No, the only moustache that is acceptable is if you're Captain Sparrow and you shave it off at the end of the day.

(and on a side note, I used to live next door to where Sean Connery grew up, right opposite the establishment "Paradise Escorts", classy place)

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