torsdag, juli 20, 2006

the language

Why do I write in English rather than Swedish?

I grew up with both langauges and use them both equally. Sometimes Swedish is easier to use, it is, ironically, easy to use if you want to be depressed. It sounds like a cliché but it's true, for me at least. I can never write miserable thougths in English, I'm never depressed in English in my mind.

But I write better in English simply because it's a bigger language, I read more in English and my vocabulary is bigger in English. So many ways to twist the words around, so many words to use.

When I get back from my holiday, write something about the greatest author in the English langauge, Laurie Lee. Then you'll see why I write in English.

Släng dig i väggen Strindberg!

2 kommentarer:

Silverfisken sa...

There you are!


Mel sa...

Oh, fine visitors to the blog. :)