torsdag, augusti 31, 2006


I'm a bit more on top of things than this afternoon. Talked to a lot of people, co-workers have called from the UK to give their support. They didn't know what the hell was going on and were pretty shocked by the whole thing. They didn't realise a lot of the staff over here were in danger of loosing their jobs (the irony is of course that we work within communications...).
The other consultant who will be leaving tomorrow too has just rung up and said he's going out with a bang and asked me to a champagne party at 3pm tomorrow, in the office. I'm not sure how it will go down, if it's even allowed (I'm sure there's some stupid Swedish law that says you can't drink alcohol at work) but I don't work there any more and I already have a new project from my agency so who gives a fuck?

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