tisdag, mars 28, 2006

Mattias Klum

Mattias Klum is my photographic hero. I've just linked to his website over on the left ---->

The last time I checked his photos had been on the cover of The National Geographic three times! And that's something as he's the only person to get his photos on the cover of NG twice...

Whenever I've looked through his photos I feel inspired to go out and take more photos, but also depressed because I'll never be even close to taking photos like his.


2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

whether i ever take photos as good as his or not, i really don't care! ... i just envy the fact that it's his job!!!

i like my job (digital printer) ... but would much rather be able to travel round the world seeing amazing sights & photographing them


Mel sa...

I know, his job is amazing...