fredag, mars 24, 2006

My job

Yesterday I hung up on two customers. You're not really supposed to do that but how much shit are you supposed to take just because you are trying to make a living by working for civilians?
It's alot easier dealing with corporate customers. Civilians get so angry all the time. Why do you get so angry? Do you think I care? Do you think I'll do more to help you just because you yell at me? No. You'll get; "I'm human. Ring me again when you've stopped yelling." Click.
I wish I could blog about your job without anyone finding out where I work. I'd love to share the antics of my customers with you without loosing my job because I broke the law. I'm not allowed to share anecdotes from my workplace. I had a sign a contract. How dull. I might bend the rule though, spill a few proverbial beans. We'll see.


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