måndag, mars 27, 2006

Failure as a photographer

I love photography but it's not easy to get those good shots you want to show off on the internet. So I thought rather than just posting the one I'm happy with I'll show you all those failed shots leading up to the final good one.

Now all the following shots were taken in February on the London Eye. Don't know if you've been on it but there were three major obstacles between me and that one great shot:

1. Dirty windows...half the shots showed up covered in white specks and dots from the light reflecting on a few years worth of London grime.

2. Movement. The London Eye moves slowly but never stops. That in combination with disapearing light and the unability to use flash photograhpy (meaning I had to use a prolonged exposure) made most of the shots very blurry.

3. Time. £12 pounds bought me 30 minutes on the London Eye, about ten of those minutes are spent at the very top, ten minutes to set up and take photos while trying not to annoy the other passengers to much...

Anyway, here are a selection of my best failed shots...

First, that movement thing...this shot was taken while the capsule was was going down again and I reckon I was to tired hold the camera steady for the whole shot.

See what I mean about the windows?

Yep, I think I waited just a bit to long on that exposure button..

This one is great, not only does the window look like someone threw up on it, the structure got in the way and it got blurred..

This one makes me really disapointed. I was really happy with the composure of the shot and had it not been blurry it would've been the best of the whole roll. Looking at this shots makes me sad...

And finally, the one that turned out great. Unedited and London at it's most beautiful. Well, from 135 meters up anyway.


2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...


at least you came away with 1 nice shot ... imagine if they were all examples of 'what went wrong'

nice idea though; showing us the set


Mel sa...

Oh believe me...I've got examples of "they all went wrong" too haha!